The Hon Arthur Sinodinos AO, former Australian Ambassador to the US

Strategic Capital
John Bell, CEO, HighTechXL

Deep Tech & Big Societal Challenges
Prof Alexandra Middleton, University of Oulu Business School

Arctic Resilience and the Business Index North Project
Patrick P Rose, PhD, Innovation Manager, SPRIND

High-Risk Investments & Innovative Frontiers
Marius Almstedt, CoS, QAI Ventures

Quantum & AI Ventures
Constanze Coelsch-Foisner, PhD-Student, ETH Zurich

Venture Building
Rob Murray, Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council

Defense Funding and MNCs
Helen Zhang, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of Eric Schmidt & Co-Founder of Intrigue Media

Venture Philanthropy
Prof Dr Stefan Raff, Bern University of Applied Sciences

Deep-Tech Venturing
Marcel Gehrung, PhD, Co-Founder & CEO, Cyted Health

Innovations in Medical Detection and Biotech